Thursday 13 December 2018 -
18:30 to 21:00

The #IncubatorZw is a project with special focus on female artists that encourages collaboration by a poet (Yantah), musician (Vera) and dancer (Lyn). The 3 Artists were given the opportunity to create a 60 minute set over the course of 3 weeks and the piece will be performed for an audience both live and online. It is a chance for female artists to just be creatives and collaborate and do what they do best which is create art that touches and inspires. The project is not exclusive to just three artists, it is a series that will be continued once every quarter. 

When: 13 December 2018  - Alliance Francaise Harare

            27 December 2018 – Arts Extra Festival in Bulawayo

Twitter: @Vera_zw

Instagram: @vera_zw

Facebook: Vera ZW and Vera Zw