Tuesday 25 September 2018 - 09:40 to Monday 08 October 2018 - 23:59

Next Generation Zimbabwe is a project of the British Council follows on other similar Next Generation in Tanzania, South Africa, Pakistan and Nigeria.  These projects looked to research the perceptions and aspirations of young people in countries experiencing youth bulges; producing recommendations for improved policies to capitalise on the potential of the next generation; and giving a voice to young people as they attempt to shape their countries’ future. The project combines policy-relevant research with a strategic communications campaign to disseminate the findings widely and use them to enhance young people’s ability to influence the policy environment. 

The Next Generation Zimbabwe Youth Task Force will be the public face and voice of the project. Its 10 select members will:

Use their expertise to help steer the project’s quantitative and qualitative research studies into the aspirations and opinions of young Zimbabweans

Review the research findings to produce recommendations for policy

Help disseminate the findings and recommendations to policy-makers and the public.

Applications must be received by the 8th of October, 2018.

For more information please download the document below