Supporting the development of contemporary writers
A great strength of the UK performing arts sector is the development of contemporary writers and the support they receive in accessing audiences. One of the leading theatres working in this field is the Royal Court Theatre in London.
The Royal Court runs long-term play development projects in many different countries, helping to stimulate new writing and bring many of the writers and plays to London for further work, and sometimes productions.
At any one time, the theatre’s international department can be working with dozens of playwrights through specific projects. Long-term play development relationships now exist through projects and exchanges with writers from Columbia, Brazil, Cuba, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Uganda, Nigeria, Syria and many more.
The British Council has been a key collaborator and supporter of many of the Royal Court international programmes and is delighted to be in a position to extend this work to playwrights from Sub-Saharan Africa, including Zimbabwe and South Africa.
The programme is currently in its second phase in Zimbabwe and we will continue to work on writing development and casting through 2014.